Saturday 26 November 2016

The BBC is not Biased

                                              Castro not perfect but look at those dastardly Yanks

I’m sick of all this talk about the British Broadcasting Corporation being biased. It’s patently not true! Take the BBC’s treatment of two controversial figures, Donald Trump and Fidel Castro. One of them is a successful businessman and reality TV star who has recently won a democratic election to lead Britain’s closest ally . The other is a dictator who brutally repressed millions for five decades and was an avowed enemy of Britain.

                                           More nuanced...

Now if the BBC had a left-wing bias as we so often hear, you might expect them to go a bit easy on the blood-soaked communist hero and maybe emphasise the peccadillos of the ‘right-wing’ president-elect.

But the BBC is not biased and a very simple but fair test proves it. Simply google the words ‘BBC’ and ‘Fidel Castro’ together and see what pops up. Then google ‘BBC’ and ‘Donald Trump’ to see how the results compare.

To be fair to the BBC, I decided to give them a pass on their eulogising of Castro since his death. After all we are not supposed to speak ill of the dead, so at this sad time for the Castro family you can hardly expect the BBC to bring up his ‘excesses’ and ‘mistakes’ that led to the unfortunate deaths of thousands. In short let’s gloss over their running with the theme ‘If only he’d had a bit more time…’ So to avoid the BBC’s understandable reticence to talk ill of the dead I decided to narrow my goggle search to the 3 months before Castro’s death.

This is the top five BBC stories that popped up:

The great survivor: Cuba's Fidel Castro turns 90 - BBC News -

As is usually the case the stories closely matched the tone of the headlines. The first five deal with Fidel’s birthday. A great opportunity you might have thought for the well-informed journalists of the BBC to remind their readers and viewers of the victims of Castro’s regime. But what you get is all the objectivity of a 12-year-old girl on the subject of Justin Bieber.  

So rather than spare a thought for his many victims it turns out that the BBC were already eulogising Castro long before he was dead. The last story is particularly inappropriate in that it parallels the lives of dictator Castro and our constitutional monarch finding much more to admire in the former than our blameless Queen.

But maybe the BBC just have a thing for Castro. A youthful enthusiasm of their editors which created a blindspot in their otherwise objective approach? So as a further check on BBC bias, let’s see what a google search of ‘BBC’ and ‘Donald Trump’ delivers.

For the next US president I got:

and five more stories on the same theme, then:

Once again the tone of these headlines accurately conveys the contemptuous tone of the stories they link to. The last one is particularly hypocritical as the BBC didn’t seem to find anybody who thought the nude statues of Hillary that Trump supporters retaliated with at all amusing. Quite the reverse in fact! In the words of the BBC: ‘Hillary’s naked portraits were entitled “The Ugly Sides Of Hillary Clinton” in a smear campaign that many find appalling’.  

The BBC is not biased.

To call the BBC biased is a compliment. Biased suggests a tendency in their journalists to report from a left-wing perspective. If the BBC was biased you would expect right-wing journalists to be outnumbered by their progressive colleagues by say 2 to 1 or maybe 3 to 1. That’s not what we find at the good old Beeb. Of those with known political leanings there are thousands on the left and a handful, literally a handful, i.e., less than 5, on the right. The BBC is a propaganda outfit pure and simple that only employs true believers who will report the ideologically agreed version despite reality or the facts.  

What other conclusion is possible about a publically-funded British news organisation that presents an oppressive dictator and enemy of Britain in a far more favourable light than the next president of our closest and most important ally?

The BBC is not biased. It’s an ugly, malevolent propaganda outfit that has been muddying waters and poisoning minds for decades. 

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  1. Utterly unarguable.
    Well said, Mr Maloney.

  2. A fair point with wich I agree. Problem is, what to do about them?

    1. The good news is that thanks to the internet their number is well and truly up. Can you imagine how much they despise the people at, for example, who daily expose their lies, half truths and hypocrisy. Brexit showed that the British people are finally leaving the plantation.

  3. Anita Arnand read out the comment from a listener 'Liberalism is the New Fascism'.
    And I say, The Devil's Truth is a Mocking Irony.
