Monday 12 June 2017

Hate Wins Wars

                                                       The pretence goes on

It’s a mystery.

Muslim terrorists commit an atrocity.

People are shocked, saddened, but above all angry. Angry that such thing can happen. Angry because the perpetrators are known and openly espousing their ideology of hate. And angry because they know that nothing is being or will be done to deal with the cause.

Action is demanded and our current identikit PM hints that ‘enough is enough’. This time they will do something!

Then a few days later…

The outrage melts away as a few isolated cases of harsh words spoken to women in hijabs are reported and the media return to their comfort zone of exposing ‘Islamophobia’ and condemning the ‘far-right’.

It always happens.

It’s a mystery.

It’s a mystery connected to our modern aversion to hating.

And that’s a shame because hating is the ideal mental state for both fighting and more important winning a war.


Every few weeks the British people are reminded that they are truly detested by many Muslims.

Take this latest attack at London Bridge:

Muslim terrorists commit an atrocity that would have been unthinkable just a few years ago. This time it involved the use of a vehicle to kill 3 random passers-by followed by a stabbing rampage through London. A young nurse who went to help the victims of what she thought was a traffic accident was vilely butchered; later a young woman begging for help was stabbed to death in a frenzy of blows; and another women had her throat torn open, because nothing says Islam like the cutting of throats. In all, eight were murdered and a further 48 injured before the terrorists' fun was cut short by the police bullets.

Killing such a woman coming to help others is popular with many Muslims

I use the word ‘fun’ not as Theresa May used the word ‘coward’ as a way to despise the murderers but as a simple statement of fact. If there is one common factor to all the recent terror attacks in Europe it is that the perpetrators take great pleasure in inflicting pain. In short they detest us to the extent of stabbing a pretty young Australian nanny to death as she begs for help or as in the Bataclan in Paris where, with a little more leisure to enjoy themselves, the Muslim terrorists cut open a pregnant woman’s belly and gouged out the eyes of others.

Even in the depths of ‘The Troubles’ the evil scum of the IRA didn’t do this. They didn’t do it because the Nationalist Catholic population that they relied on would have shunned and disowned them for targeting young women and girls for torture. And whenever such murders did occasionally happen one of their spokesmen in the ‘political’ wing would promptly assure us all that they had ‘made a mistake’ and they were sorry.

Conversely, Muslim terrorists actually set out to murder and torture the most vulnerable for three reasons. First Islam oppresses women so any uppity woman is fair game for mutilation and slaughter. Second more generally they detest us all. No infidel is innocent. The koran and more particularly the hadith teaches pure hatred of the infidel and also that murdering and torturing infidels is the surest route to Muslim heaven.

Third because it is mandated in the koran, hadith and life of Mohammad such torture and vile murder actually attracts support from the wider Muslim population. Every fresh outrage brings new recruits, which is why the security services now have to monitor 23,000 Muslims who are either involved in active plots or have been in the past. Compare that to the around 100-150 active IRA terrorists at the height of ‘The Troubles’ and you will get some idea of just how popular murdering infidels is to so many Muslims. And remember that each of these jihadis or wannabes has a whole circle of family and friends admiring them. For example the sister of the Manchester mass-murderer of little girls who fondly believes he's now in heaven being pleasured by his 72 houris.  

Another test case of just how popular the vilest cruelty is to Muslims is the growth of ISIS. The hundreds of snuff videos showing precisely what they were doing in the name of Islam were so popular that up to 1,000 British Muslims went to considerable trouble of joining them in Syria to get a piece of the action.

This is how ISIS advertises its activities. What sort of person volunteers for this?

But that sadly is not the full extent of the problem. Consider next the 45% of Muslims in a recent poll who admit that clerics preaching violence represent ‘mainstream Islam’. Or the 2/3rds of British Muslims in another poll who said that they would not report a terror plot to the police. If what we are constantly told about Muslim terrorists being a ‘tiny’ and ‘unrepresentative’ minority were true the obvious question is: Why the hell not? If Muslim terrorists are really perverting the true meaning of Islam why would any decent Muslim not report those planning the vile murder of innocents? The only possible answer is that not only do very many of their co-religionists see the terrorists as (good) Muslims but they also understand and approve of what they are doing.

So every few weeks the British get a glimpse of just how much they are hated. And in response for a few days they are angry. After all in the last two attacks some of the perpetrators were actually refugees or the children of refugees. What possible reason could such people have to butcher their saviours? Or for that matter what injury do any British Muslims have to justify attacking us with such barbarity? The answer is of course: none. Muslims have been treated with the same openness and generosity we show to all our immigrants. So for the first couple of days after each atrocity anger is vented in comment threads and on Twitter and Facebook. And during this time the multicultural we-are-the-worlders fall relatively silent.

But after a few days the anger subsides…

We hear about how some Muslims assisted victims of the outrage. And we are told about how horrified ordinary Muslims are with the terrorists crimes and film is shown of some (sparsely attended) Muslim demonstrations of solidarity. After that we hear about nasty words being spoken to innocent women in hijabs. This is all designed to assure us not to believe our lying eyes but instead to believe the fairy tale that Muslim terrorists are a tiny minority that have somehow got Islam all wrong.

In the end the most important reason why most of us stop being angry is because we so desperately want to believe that there is nothing fundamentally wrong with Islam and as decent people we don’t want to see ordinary Muslims abused. But a simple comparison to the world's other faiths shows that there is something badly wrong with Islam. For instance we are currently in the Muslim 'holy' month of Ramadan when Muslims are supposedly in deep spiritual reflection. So how is it then that the world has suffered 104 different attacks during this time in which 1,147 innocents have been murdered. The total recorded from all other religions combined for that period is zero.

After the anger from the lastest massacre has subsided and at the most effective time psychologically we hear about the first arrests. In just the first few days after the London attack fully 25 people were arrested for ‘Islamophobic’ comments on the internet. Far more than those arrested in the police investigation of the outrage itself! This reminds us that in Islamised Britain we are not free to speak the truth about Islamism and even Islam itself and that anybody who does so risks getting their life ruined.

So the anger dies and we return to an uneasy expectation of the next outrage. Who is walking around happy in expectation of a bright future today who will tomorrow be dead?

This extinguishing of the anger directed at Islam is wrong for two reasons.

First Islamism deserves our hate. It is a supremacist ideology which explicitly exhorts its believers to hate non-Muslims. Islamism is just as inherently hate-worthy as Nazism and for the same reason. In any case toleration of supremacists never gets you anywhere as we discover ever more frequently. They deserve our hate.

Second hating the enemy is the best state of mind in which to fight a war with them. One example this is the incredible kill record of the Polish 303 squadron. Despite joining the Battle of Britain halfway through and being equipped with our second best fighter they shot down twice as many German aircraft as the next best British squadron. Their simple secret: they detested the enemy.

Hating wins wars. In fact, it’s a pretty good rule of thumb in war-making that either you hate your enemy or you lose.

We are at war. In just the last 3 months in addition to the three successful massacres the security services have prevented another five. Those 23,000 identified jihadis and wannabes are only the tip of the iceberg of Islamic hate. Behind them in support and approval stand a significant proportion of our Muslim population. This war wasn’t our choice and we have done nothing to deserve being attacked. Quite the contrary. We don’t want to hate, but the only way to victory and our continued freedom lies beyond a door called hate. Either we start to hate, or we will lose.

The measures that need to be carried out against Islamists can only be carried out if we see the enemy for what they are and hate them as they deserve.

Hate wins wars.

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